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Still Spirits Air Still Companion Pack

Great for caravan fermenting. No smell carbon cartridge.
Price: $ 89.95
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air still companion

Air Still Companion Pack used to ferment dextrose or sugar based wash. Fermenter maximum capacity 10 litres. Fermenter includes: body and lid, tap,  stick on thermometer, and a lid carbon cartridge system to limit fermentation odours. Great for caravaning or taking on holidays. It looks just like a water filter.

Spirits must be filtered to reduce fussel oils, sulphides and other distasteful substances. To achieve this the Companion Pack includes a spirit filter system consisting of: an upper chamber, a spindle and carbon filter, and a spirit collector.  Fluid flows through the high quality carbon cartridge to the remove the impurities. Cartridges sold in convenient pack of ten (10).

Warranty: 30 days plastic components


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