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Product Catalogue

Turbo Boilers

Turbo Boilers


Home brew boilers often have a brushed or polished stainless steel finish. Their sizes range from 30lt to 60lt. Usually home brew boilers have a drainage tap made from ABS plastic or stainless steel.

Later model boilers have concealed elements and either brass or stainless steel fittings. Boilers with brass fittings may be susceptable to chemical oxidisation if Urea is present in the boil. Replacement lids, taps and lid seals are available for some boilers.

Results 1 - 2 of 2

Turbo Boilers

Kegland 35lt Digi Boil

35lt Kegland Turbo boiler for making brewed in a bag home ...

Price: $ 235.95

Turbo 500 25lt Boiler

Still Spirits Turbo 500 25lt stainless steel boiler ...

Price: $ 299.95


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