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Product Catalogue

Neighbourhood Brewing Co Grain Wort

Neighbourhood Brewing Co Grain Wort


Neighbourhood Brewing Co Fresh Wort offers a range of flavoursome fresh craft wort which helps the home brewer create delicious commercial quality craft beer but at home. Fresh Grain Wort are easy to use and very rewarding for the small amount of effort and time needed to make a quality craft grain beer. There is no special equipment needed just a stanadard fermenter. Whether you are an all grain brewer or an extract beer maker, Neighbourhood Brewing Company fresh grain wort are a delightful addition to your home brewing repertoire.

Results 1 - 6 of 6

Neighbourhood Brewing Co Grain Wort

NBC Cream Stout

This Cream Stout wort creates the perfect winter stout: ...

Price: $ 69.95

NBC Hazy Pale Ale

NBC Hazy Pale Ale creates a hazy light coloured beer. ...

Price: $ 65.50

NBC Lager

NBC Lager is light in both colour and flavour. Hopped with ...

Price: $ 59.95


NBC NEIPA offers an intense, tropical fruit aroma and ...

Price: $ 69.95

NBC Red Ale

This Red Ale wort creates a warming ale with a deep red ...

Price: $ 69.95

NBC Session Pale Ale

NBC Session Pale Ale is a super drinkable pale ale with low ...

Price: $ 59.95


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