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BSO Honey Kolsch Recipe Pack

BSO Honey Kolsch Recipe creates a 4.7% ABV Kolsch malted with Pilsner, wheat and German Honey malts. Bitter hopped with Perle followed by German Hersbrucker. Makes: 23lts.
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Price: $ 43.95
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BSO Honey Kolsch Recipe Pack

BSO Honey Kolsch Recipe Pack

Due to German Purity Law a German Kolsch may only contain barley malt, wheat malt, hops and water. The honey flavours must come from the grain malt.  A European malt known as 'Brühmalz' or as we call it "honey malt" is known for its intense honey like malty sweetness. Pilsner malt is a two row Barley malt base used to create a light golden colour  and a delicious biscuit flavour. Vienna influences the colour and adds a slight nutty aroma. Purity Laws allow Kolsch to include wheat malt as Kolsch use top fermenting yeasts. The wheat malt is good for beer head and colour.  Hopped with German Perle hops as a first addition: a hop known for its notes of mint,pine and spice and ideal for Kolsch. Then Hersbrucker with aroma notes: grassy, tea, and floral. Also well suited to Kolsch.  Together they create a simple, pleasant German style Kolsch with honey malt flavour notes.

The full grain kit includes the following -

Grain Bill
4.0kg Joe White Pilsner Malt
 500g Joe White Vienna Malt
250g Joe White Wheat Malt
150g Gambrinus Honey Malt

Hop Additions

25g Perle – 60 minutes
25g Herbrucker – 30 minutes

Other Additions

Whirlfloc Tablet – 5 minutes
Safale K-97 Kolsch yeast

Recommended Mash Temperature – 66°C

Mash Time – 60 minutes

Recommended Mash Sparge Temperature – 76°C

Hop Boil Time – 60 minutes

Batch Size – 23 Litres

Original SG: 1048

ABV - Approx 4.7%


***This recipe is provided without any guarantee of the final result,  because  the  technical  equipment used, procedures, and craft brewing expertise,  may  vary  from  one  brewer  to  the  next.***


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