Challenger Hop Pellets 100g
Challenger Hop Pellets 100g
Challenger hop provides aroma notes of cedar, green tea and sweet fruit. Suits pale ales, wheat beer, light malt beer. Avg Alpha: 6.5% - 8.5%.
Challenger Hop Pellets 100g
Challenger as a dual purpose hop features decent bitterness with a floral aroma and as such are considered fine for bittering or for dry hopping.
Its flavor is smooth with balanced floral characteristics, some citrus and a dash of spice.notes of cedar, green tea and sweet fruit.
Well suited to pale ales and light malt brew.
Provided in clip seal re-sealable pack for fridge storage.
Usage: pale ales, wheat beer, light malt beer.
Avg. Alpha: 6.5% - 8.5%
Origin: UK
Hop Substitute: Perle and Northern Brewer.
Pack Contents: 100g
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