
Fermentis Saflager S-23 German Lager Yeast

Saflager S-23 German Lager Yeast is a cold temperature lager yeast. Suitable for fruity, estery lagers. Suits lager beer up to 11% ABV.
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Saflager S-23 German Lager Yeast

Saflager S-23 is a bottom fermenting yeast originating from the VLB - Berlin in Germany. Recommended for the production of fruity and estery lager beers. Its lower attenuation
profile gives beers with a good length on the palate.

Suggested fermentation temperature range: 120C - 180C.  NB. Temperatures around minimum may require double yeast dose for 23 litres of wort.

Contents: 11.5g

Dosage: 11.5 g in 20 to 30 L

Made in Belgium

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