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30lt Plastic Pail Fermenter Kit

Budget priced 30lt pail includes: grommet, senior bubbler, thermometer, & tap. This is hard lid pail which clip locks on to pail without using an O'ring seal.
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Price: $ 38.95
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30lt Plastic Pail Fermenter Kit

30lt Plastic Pail Fermenter Kit

30 litre PPE plastic pail fermenter suitable for a range of home brewing applications. Tilt lid on angle and push on. Easy to remove lid. Lid does not require o'ring seal. Very easy to clean. Pail fermenter takes either twist tap, flip tap, or barrel taps. Purchaser must bore 15mm hole in centre of tap recess. Replacement parts available for pail fermenter: grommets, tap, thermometer. Attach accessory bottling valve using 10.0mm hose.

Kit includes:

30lt clip seal pail body
Press on Pail lid
Bubbler grommet
Three piece Senior air lock
3/4 Inch Barrel tap
Stick on thermometer

Warranty: 30 days

 Price Includes GST


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