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Cheese Wax Red 500g

Red wax for coating cheese. Prevents unwanted mould during aging.
Brewing Supplies Online Home Brew Supplies, Granite Belt Brewing Supplies
Price: $ 13.95
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Red Cheese Wax 500g

Red Cheese Wax 500g

Cheese wax is used to cover many types of hard cheeses for aging. The cheese wax will keep the cheese from drying out and stop unwanted bacteria and mould from coming into contact with the aging cheese, and it looks good too.

500g of wax can be used to wax many cheeses.

An advantage of using natural (uncoloured) cheese wax is that it is easy to see through. We suggest natural wax for beginners as any unwanted mould beneath the wax during aging is easy to spot.

How to store your cheese wax:

  • It is suggested to dedicate a low cost saucepan to waxing. This pot is known as your wax pot.
  • Place the wax into your low cost pot with a lid and heat until it has completely melted. Keep an eye on the pot as natural wax is flammable.
  • Allow the wax to cool and store in your wax pot with the lid on.
  • Now your wax pot is ready to use whenever you need to wax a cheese!

How to wax a cheese:

  • Melt the wax in your wax pot. Keep an eye on the pot as wax is flammable.
  • Once the wax has melted, dip one side of the cheese wheel into the wax. Then dip the opposite side in. Continue to turn and dip the cheese until all sides of the wheel are covered.
  • Allow the wax to cool and set on the cheese before laying it down.
  • Inspect your cheese for any spots where the wax is very thin or missing.
  • Use a Cheese Wax Brush to fill in missing sections. Do not use a brush with synthetic fibres, as the temperature of the hot wax may melt synthetic bristles.


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